Premiere - 9. December 2017 | |
von Grupo Oito | |
Choreografie | Ricardo de Paula |
Mitarbeit Choreografie | Fausta Scarangella |
Dramaturgie | Marie Yan |
Licht Design | Michal Andrysiak |
Bühnenbild | Grupo Oito |
Musik | Fabiano Lima |
Video | Zé de Paiva |
Tontechniker | Makoto Inoue |
Kostüm | Andreina Vieira dos Santos |
Tänzer | Laura Alonso, Caroline Alves, Martina Garbelli, Nasheeka Nedsreal, Zé de Paiva, Ricardo de Paula, Natalie Riedelsheimer, Miro Wallner |
Mistrust grows, and with is, so does the pressure. Retreat and isolation become attractive.
There is something that connects us, could connects us. But do we know our position, our proximity, the forces that wear us down?
An ensemble, a heterogeneity of languages, dance educations, sexual orientations, social positions. Get Physical is the passion for and working method of dance . But does it connect us? What happens when we make explicit the heterogeneity, the social breaking points that go right through the middle of the ensemble, through the bodies? To finally allow the things in common, the possibilities of contact, a contact that hasn’t been limited all along. Psychological Rehabilitation – inspired by this invitation, Grupo Oito brings questions in the discussion of Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks into the ensemble’s work: UNRESTRICTED CONTACT as a physical discussion contrary to everyday violence.
Eine Produktion von Kultursprünge im Ballhaus Naunynstraße gemeinnützige GmbH. Erstproduktion im Rahmen des Festivals Republik Repair, gefördert aus Mitteln des Landes Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa und aus Mitteln der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
„Grupo Oito certainly have powerful voices of their own, but they also leave space for ours, and they exhort us to fill it.“
(David Pallant, Tanzschreiber, Januar 2019)
„Das Tanz-Ensemble Grupo Oito zeigt im Ballhaus Naunynstraße eine scharfe und ergreifende Analyse vorherrschender kolonialer Strukturen und schafft so tänzerische Begegnungsräume“
(Alexandra Hennig, tanzraumberlin, Februar 2018)
„Unrestricted Contact“ acted as an uncensored and sincerely unrestrained call for solidarity.“
(Beatrix Joyce, Berlin Art Week, Februar 2018)
„Nicht wegzudenken.“
(Astrid Kaminski, taz, Dezember 2017)
„Starker Abend.“
(Friedhelm Teicke, zitty, Dezember 2017)
Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Berlin
- Januar 2019
- April 2018
- Februar 2018
- Dezember 2017 (Premiere)