Premiere - 8th of November 2012  
By Grupo Oito  
Concept/Choreography Ricardo de Paula
Choreographic Advice Zula Lemes
Light Design/Technical Direction Irene Selka
Stage Design/Costume Grupo Oito
Assistance Luiz Gustavo Lopes
Performers Laura Alonso, Caroline Alves, Martina Garbelli, Ricardo de Paula, Zé de Paiva, 
Natalie Riedelsheimer


„This is a deposit of remains. Sometimes it is only remains. And sometimes neglect also comes. Remains – and neglect“ – Estamira Gomes de Sousa

What happens to people who are no longer useful today’s society? The dance collective Grupo Oito makes the phenomenon of global waste piles subject to their performance. In a collage of theater, dance and film, the group also sheds light on how to deal with people who are “disposed” of the society. The starting point is the story of Estamira who lived over 20 years in the garbage city Jadim Gramacho in Rio de Janeiro, in the daily eight tons of waste were deposited. Officially declares as mentally ill, Estamira formulated unusual but from today’s perspective amazingly pertinent answers to the big questions of our time. Grupo Oito takes Estamiras philosophy seriously and apply their perspective on our environments, to show that today’s world needs in some places fundamental new vision and practice. 

Produced by Grupo Oito in cooperation with Kultursprünge im Ballhaus Naunynstraße gemeinnützige GmbH. First production financed by die Interkulturelle Projektförderung des Landes Berlin. With the kind support of Naunynritze.


„Die Arbeit des Choreografen Ricardo de Paula kreist um den gesellschaftlichen und individuellen Wert des Körpers.“
(Astrid Kaminski,, May 2015)


 Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Berlin

- December 2016
- March 2016
- May 2014
- November 2013
- April 2013
- November 2012