CARNE (Fleisch)

The dance performance CARNE (Fleish) places physicality and encounters as a starting point of resistance, healing and transformation, bearing a potential that transcends Western imagination and rationalities.
Premiere: Thur, September 12th 2024 / 8.30 pm, Tanzfabrik Bühne x UFERSTUDIOS 14
Present Body 2

In the moment of improvisation, a special, almost magical presence of the body emerges.
15th - 17th of November, English Theatre Berlin
Name it

The intercultural dance collective Grupo Oito is back with an artistic intervention in the public space.
Premiere: Thur, July 6th 2023 / 7 pm, M*straße und am May-Ayim-Ufer
>> Name it
Break & Connection

A Dance Performance by Grupo Oito
21st - 23rd of April 2023, Uferstudios

The winding paths of everyday life are not the same for everyone. Racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination exert violence in different ways on people.
Premiere: Fri, October 14th 2022 / 8:30 pm, HAU2
>> Labyrinth
Theaterfilm-Festival: Ori Cleanse

Theaterfilm-Festival: Ori Cleanse. Six black dancers with diverse biographical and dance backgrounds develop new ways of thinking, being and acting.
Fri, June 17 / 8:30 pm, Ballhaus Ost
>> Theaterfilm-Festival: Ori Cleanse

P.U.M.P. (Perfectly Used Mic Power) is the most recent collaborative
choreographic work of Ricardo de Paula with the University of Malta.
Fri, June 3 / 8 pm, Department of Dance Studies, University of Malta
Ubiquitous Assimilation

A Dance Performance by Grupo Oito
Premiere: 2nd of September 2021, Gropius Bau, Lichthof

Three-part project by Ricardo De Paula
Premiere: 5th of December 2020/ 2021, HAU 2
>> MIMIMI Space
Borders & Corners

A Dance Performance by Grupo Oito
Premiere: 9th of January 2020, Halle Tanzbühne