Part I: Brazilian Feijoada 


Part II: Feliz Aniversario


Part III: Present Body


MIMIMI Space: Racism in Dance Between Life & Stage its a laboratory for self-reflection and healing
Premiére- 5th of December 2020/ 2021
Artistic Director, Concept & Choreography: Ricardo de Paula
Regie assistent Natalie Riedelsheimer
Stage Design Zé de Paiva / Ricardo de Paula
Performers: Ruben Nsue, NSHK, Kalil Joigny, Exocé Kasongo, Cintia Rangel, Thiago Ferreira Samambaia

Sandra Bello, Renata Motta, Iury Trojaborg, Eurico Ferreira Mathias, Karina Griffith, Diana McCarty
Mit der Unterstützung der Forschungsgruppe Food for Justice, Latainamerika-Institut, FU Berlin

Dramaturgy: Katja von der Ropp
Grafik Design Miro Wallner
Light design: Raquel Rosildete
Feijoada Neusa Paixão
Music/Sound:  Biano Lima, Eurico Ferreira Mathias
Costume: Andreina Vieira dos Santos
Assistent costume Cintia Rangel
Photo Tito Casal
Video Zé de Paiva, Kathleen Kunath
Production: MIFRUSH: Micaela Trigo/Urszula Heuwinkel
PR Kerstin Böttcher
Produced by: Eine Produktion von Ricardo de Paula in Koproduktion mit HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin und freundlicher Unterstützung von SAVVY Contemporary und Grupo Oito. Gefördert durch den Hauptstadtkulturfonds.


Thanks to "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and the years of continuous work of many activists, there is currently an increased sensitivity for obvious forms of racism in Germany – the usurpation of so-called “Hygienedemos” by right-wing extremists is being monitored in the media, racist structures in the police force are being uncovered, streets are being renamed. However, both everyday racism and the pursuit of structural anti-racist change often run further under the radar. MIMIMI Space is an experimental, interdisciplinary format that creates a space for artistic engagement with racism, a laboratory for self-reflection and healing.

Ricardo de Paula’s tool is contemporary dance. Accordingly, the Black body is at the centre of the project, with its inscribed history, memories and experiences. The knowledge of the historical origins of racist structures and the philosophies and ways of thinking that determine them creates the basis for looking ahead. With an awareness of the past and a vision for the future, MIMIMI Space questions the present.

The main source of inspiration for the approach of the project is quilombismo, a concept of solidarity. In his essay “Quilombismo: An Afro-Brazilian Political Alternative” from 1980, Abdias do Nascimento sketches the ideal image of an alternative free and democratic community of solidarity, in which Blacks restore their freedom and human dignity. Taking recourse to the historical experience of quilombos, he argues that everywhere there are other examples of lived solidarity, quilombismo. For MIMIMI Space, artists, activists and researchers jointly develop artistic formats in this spirit, in which knowledge from the different fields flows in and mutually enriches each other.

More Information:


HAU 2 Hallesches Ufer 32
10963 Berlin

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