©Tito Casal


Premiere - October 14th 2022  
A Dance Performance by Grupo Oito  
Direction/Choreography Ricardo de Paula
Assistant choreographer Mareike Jung
Dramaturgy Katja von der Ropp
Music Biano Lima
Sound technician Makoto Inoue
Light Raquel Rosildete
Stage Sarah Seini
Costume Michelle Ferreira
Performers Laura Alonso, Caroline Alves, Ruben Nsue, Cintia Rangel,
Natalie Riedelsheimer, Miro Wallner
Production management MIFRUSH Production (Micaela Trigo & Urszula Heuwinkel)
Assistant production management Tamera Vinhas
Grafik design PocketDesign
Photography & video       Tuca Paoli & Tito Casal
Press and public relations Felix Schnieder-Henninger



The winding paths of everyday life are not the same for everyone. Racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination exert violence in different ways on people. The Berlin-based choreographer and dancer Ricardo de Paula and the company Grupo Oito follow the traces of this violence, search for dance paths through the social labyrinth and, with the help of fantasy and spirituality, for rituals of healing.

Using their own bodies and postcolonial theories as a starting point, they explore transformative potentials to reveal new ways of seeing and accessing their own power and strength. The audience follows this idea through a space where stage and audience space merge and where a fantastic world opens up with countless possibilities, visions and support.


Tanz durchs Labyrinth des Lebens
(Volkmar Draeger, magazin-forum.de, Oktober 2022)

Aus dramaturgischer Sicht
(Volkmar Draeger, tanznetz.de, Oktober 2022)

Aus dramaturgischer Sicht
(Maria Ladopoulos, tanzschreiber.de, Oktober 2022)(Maria Ladopoulos, tanzschreiber.de, Oktober 2022)


 HAU Hebbel am Ufer, HAU 2

- October 2022 (Premiere)


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 ©Tito Casal